Project: “European Competences – EUCOMP” Project number: 2020-1-MK01-KA102-077584
Project partners:
– Association Community Development Institute Macedonia
– SOU Gjorche Petrov Kriva Palanka
– RCSOO Mosa Pijade Tetovo
– OSTU Nace Bugjoni Kumanovo
– SUGS Vlado Tasevski Skopje
– SETUGS Mihajlo Pupin Skopje
Project background
Lack of possibilities for Macedonian students to be involved in such VET programs and to get international experience and to learn was main motive for application. Macedonian educational system is in reforms applying dual education, and by providing opportunities both for students and teachers, we provide opportunity for further development, exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as to get practical skills from companies abroad. Another motive was to address the existence of gap between the knowledge that is acquired, and the demands on the labor market by employers.
Project aims
The main aim was to provide practical experience for both VET teachers and students and to improve their competencies and skills. CDI Macedonia as verified VET provider aims to provide opportunity for students and high school students to get international knowledge and experience. By being part of this kind of international programs, we aim to strengthen their skills by being placed in foreign companies so to be able to apply that knowledge later on. This project also aimed to enable international practical experience both for VET teachers and students, and to improve their competences in order to address the key needs within the country in this field. By implementation of this project, we allow students to benefit educationally, linguistically, and culturally from other European countries; to contribute in development of young qualified open minded with international experience, to provide opportunity to participate in mobility, to improve capacities of the educational institutions, increase professional capacities of students and encourage international participation in European projects.
Project activities
1. Preparation period – defining of the partner roles; meetings with schools; Work plan; Reporting; Communication between the partners;
2. Establishing partner’s agreements
3. Preparation of detailed program
4. Setting up procedures of identifying of participants
5. Mobility preparation of participants – cultural, linguistic and mobility
6. Mobility in Portugal
7. Dissemination plan
8. Evaluation
9. Reporting
10. Closing of the project
Within this project, we have 25 students with improved VET skills; gained international experience for all participants; 6 teachers/accompanying introduced with the methodology, work and VET eco-system in EU member state; strengthened links and collaboration between various stakeholders including business sector; transfer of knowledge and experience to sending educational organisations/institutions.
The objectives envisioned within the European Development Plan were addressed and achieved as follows: VET teachers improved their skills and gain knowledge so to be able to support learners in acquiring new skills based on demands of the labor market; about 25 students go new skills and experience so to be more competitive; we have provided opportunity and links for other organisations and schools to cooperate with VET providers from host country; by being placed within companies, the English language with VET terminology has been improved; many young students got attracted and expressed interest in this kind of programs, which resulted with increased umber enrolled at VET schools.
Photos from Mobility in Portugal: