Welcome to the Net-Works project first newsletter!
What is the Net-Works project?
It is a three years Erasmus + funded project which aims to establish new national or regional networks of work-based adult education providers, notably in Portugal, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and North Macedonia and to facilitate their involvement in European cooperation.
Who are the partners?
It gathers partners from all over Europe: ENSIE from Belgium (lead partner), ISEN from Ireland, Ateliere Fara Frontiere from Romania, Galileo Progetti from Hungary, Community Development Institute – CDI from North Macedonia, Association 3S from Portugal, Association of Social Economy Entities – ASSE from Slovakia and Initiative for Development and Cooperation – IDC from Serbia!
What will we do during the project?
During the project we will
- Create 1 MOOC on “Networks of work-based adult education providers capacity building”,
- Organize 5 peer-to-peer sessions to learn more from each other on various topics,
- Have 2 roundtables to exchange about work-based adult education methodologies,
- Have 2 study visits between a new network and an experienced one,
- Organize 2 meetings with experts,
- Prepare an inventory of successful methodologies, a guidebook on external communication, a repertory of financial sustainability and a sustainability roadmap.
What we did so far?
For the moment, the partners have met three times, two times online for the kick-off meeting and the first peer-to-peer session and one time in real life, at least for some of them for the first project meeting
Where can I find more information about the project?
You can find information on the latest project activities here.
The Net-Works project first activities
If you want to know more about the Net-Works project, the project partners and what are its goals and what it aims to do, go read this article!
+ Link to the Net-Works Presentation article (on the project website)
In February, the project partners met for the project kick-off meeting to get to know each other and to establish what will be the first step of the project.
+ Link to the Kick off meeting article (on the project website)
In March, the project partners met for the first peer-to-peer session to discuss what is a network, how it works and what can a network bring to its members. It was a very important first step to set up the scene at the beginning of the project!
+ Link to the 1st peer to peer session article (on the project website)
At the beginning of July, some project partners met in Bucharest, the others were online, for the first project meeting. After discussing the latest news of the project, the partners exchanged on their national situations regarding work-based adult education and discovered more about RISE Romania, the Romanian network for work-based adult education providers.
+ Link to the Bucharest article. (on the project website)
Do you want to know more about us? Check out those videos!
Discover the Net-Works Romanian project partner Ateliere Fara Frontiere and their take on the advantages of joining a network!
+ Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m26Q9lQjw7g&t=24s
Discover the benefits of joining a network for work integration social enterprises with Andreea Savin from Viitor Plus.
+ video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arSIsYa-x-o
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