Project IT-ARGF Innovative Training – Augmented Reality for Green Food is and Erasmus plus project funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission. Kick-off meeting was held online on May 17th 2022. The project brings together 5 partners from 5 countries: North Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, Hungary and Spain.
During the kick-off meeting the partners defined technical and operational aspects of the Project Results and related activities. The goal of the meeting was also to define the project and financial management aspects as well as aspects pertaining to Internal Quality, Monitoring & Evaluation, Risk Management.
The project aims at piloting innovative vet curricula providing vet in the field of organic food production with comprehensive competences (knowledge and skills) as well as an innovative technological instrument to enhance biodiversity conservation and performances in the agricultural sector
The project will develop the following Project results:
PR1 – E-learning platform- VET for organic farming
PR2 – Research report for VET educators
PR3 – Augmented Reality Application