The main purpose of the project result 2:” Research report for VET educators” is to provide information about the training needs of farmers and an interactive map of stakeholders, as well as existing proposals for digital education, mentoring and collaborative approaches.
Project partners worked in accordance to the PR2 methodology with incorporated activities:
- Producing templates
- Producing countries reports
- Content development 4 topics areas, project partners input – from the country reports
- Producing Consolidated report PR2
- Producing Executive Summary PR2
- Translation
Project partners conducted the PR2 research consisted of primary research, secondary research, mapping of stakeholders, collection of best practices. The research provided country specific information from farmers and VET educators, trainers in the area of food production, biodiversity preservation, existing training, learning material, and use of technology in food production, biodiversity preservation and trainings.
Each project partner provided PR2 country report and contributed to the final PR2 report in accordance to the PR2 methodology.
Project “Innovative Training – Augmented Reality for Green Food” (IT-ARGF) responds to environmental priorities and the fight against climate change, and contributes to innovation and flexibility of opportunities in vocational education and training. The e-learning platform will contain:
training modules on biodiversity preservation sustainable measures to be applied in the agricultural field, specifically designed and tailored for farmers.
More information about project IT-ARGF on the following link: