Address: Marshal Tito 96, 1200, Tetovo, Macedonia     Tel: +389 (0) 77 670 - 201    Email: info [AT]

National umbrella association for development, education and social services.


The Community Development Institute is a national umbrella organisation for development, education and social services. The CDI’s experience is based on more than 25 years’ work within the community, addressing citizens’ problems and needs and helping in overcoming challenges.

Program activities related to youth:

  1. Proactive youth
  2. Competitiveness of the youth on the labor market
  3. Improvement of the legislation related to youth

Under the FRESTA program of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CDI managed the youth program for the countries of Southeast Europe. By applying methods for exchange, study visits, production of educational materials and organization of workshops, the goal was to strengthen and improve cross-border / regional cooperation. This initiative has profiled the CDI as one of the leading organisations in the Balkans working with young people on various issues based on their interest.

As a response of raising tensions and armed conflict in 2001, the CDI implemented ECO-CULT program – Focus on youth and interethnic relations and tolerance. It is a program aimed at young people, to initiate environmental and social activities and to produce a bulletin for their activities. The newsletter was published in 6 languages used in Macedonia.

Among other activities, the CDI has implemented a program called Democratic Leadership, supported by the Council of Europe. This program was targeted at young politicians, journalists and members of a political party in order to strengthen their capacities and to use more effective co-operation at the regional level.

As part of the working group for drafting a law for young people, the staff members and representatives of the CDI were actively involved in the preparation of the provisions of the law, research and analysis.

Based on the requirements in various program activities and production of outputs, CDI have extensive experience in video production of documentaries, publication of brochures, newsletters and newsletters.

With the management of the Balkan-Caucasus program with an office in Tbilisi, Georgia, CDI created a platform for cooperation between the countries of the Balkans and the Caucasus. Within the project, CDI has developed a brochure and a documentary film.

We are active in many Erasmus programs targeting (among others) also youth, and thus we provide opportunity for the young people to interact and cooperate with its European peers/colleagues, and to work on common points of interest.

By being involved in processes of drafting of national youth strategy, local municipal youth strategies and law on Youth and Youth participation, the CDI has profiled its self as one of the CSOS that provide space and opportunities for young people to express their opinion and attitudes and take active part in legislation processes.

Volunteering has been identified as one of the main issues by CDI and further efforts and investments were made in order to strengthen the capacities of the young people to become proactive citizens taking part in the processes of decision making at local and central level. In this regards, the CDI provides opportunity for practicing both at CDI premises and also at local companies, so the young people to become competitive on the labor market. The main purpose of these trainings is to strengthen the capacities of proactive, socially responsible unemployed people who want to upgrade their knowledge on topics related to the foundations of entrepreneurship and the work and functioning of civic associations.

The CDI possess relevant knowledge and experience implementing activities for vulnerable, impaired and socially excluded youth. By support of Erasmus and Erasmus Plus programs, the CDI within its network provides support and opportunity for visually impaired young people, young people with physically impaired, and it is in process of program verification for day care/nursery for people with disability.

The CDI operated in creating diverse e-platforms and open educational resources, e-learning courses and has very strong potential and human capacities for implementation of project related to e-learning.  The potential of information and communications technology (ICT) can be used to boost adult education and training through distance learning.

Since its establishing, the CDI is founding member and resource center for the National Youth coalition SEGA.
