Implementation of the principle of adequate and equitable representation: Perception of citizens (trilingual edition)
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The publications from the project Bona Mente – Support to the CICR can be downloaded in different languages at the links below:
Booklet about the changes in the constitution planned according to the Ohrid peace agreement. Based on the decisions for constitutional changes, the CDI has published this brochure as information for the citizens further to explain the benefits if the adoption of the constitutional changes. The booklet was distributed within Tetovo region.
This newsletter was produced in order to inform about the activities of the pupils at ethnic mixed primary schools involved in the program Eko-Kult. The circulation was up to 12,000 copies and it was distributed in 10 municipalities. The newsletter was published in collaboration and partnership with the Search for Common Ground, office Skopje.
Facts and findings from the study visit in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The aim of the brochure is to bring closer the Balkan and the Caucasus regions to the citizens of the both regions, and to inform about the current processes in the countries accordingly.
Здружение ИРЗ-Тетово не превзема одговорност за потеклото и квалитетот на медот и пчелните производи.
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