MigrArts: integrating migrants through arts and culture
MigrArts is an Erasmus+ project (KA220 ADU) that aims to improve the integration of migrants by better taking into account their cultural rights, at the local, national and European levels. The project aims at supporting structures working in the cultural field or in charge of the integration of migrants to work together in an innovative, inter-sectoral and intercultural approach.
Project MigrArts is implemented of consortium consisted of 6 partners from 6 countries: ARCI A.P.S. (Italy); Ligue de l’enseignement (France); Centre for Peace studies (Croatia); Community Development Institute (Macedonia);
Project’s results
Project MigrArts will achieve the objectives through the development of the following project results:
Project result 1: Common methodological framework for an inclusive and emancipatory approach to migrants through cultural and artistic activities
Project result 2: Experimentation of the common methodological framework and operational recommendations for an inclusive and emancipatory approach to migrants through cultural and artistic activities
Project result 3: Practical guide for an inclusive and emancipatory approach to migrants through cultural and artistic activities
Project result 4 : Training modules to enhance training of adults in thematic areas of the MigrArts project
Project partners worked on project result 1 “Common methodological framework for an inclusive and emancipatory approach to migrants through cultural and artistic activities”. Attached you can find MigrArts national report produced by CDI.