Project “Innovative Training – Augmented Reality for Green Food” (IT-ARGF) responds to environmental priorities and the fight against climate change, and contributes to innovation and flexibility of opportunities in vocational education and training. The IT-ARGF project aims to provide technological tools and training for the use and application of these tools in the daily work of farmers. The project will involve researchers and professors who will design an educational programme, who will taking into account the level of education, as well as logistical and local factors of farmers. The project applies the latest technological trends in environmental protection and organic farming through augmented reality. The educational and technical tools provided by the IT-ARGF project are digitally accessible anywhere, anytime.
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission
Project Partners:
- Community Development Institute (The Republic of North Macedonia)
- EUROASIA Innovative Society Association (Turkey)
- Galileo Progetti – Hungary
Project results:
PR1 – E-learning platform- VET for organic farming
PR2 – Research report for VET educators
PR3 – Augmented Reality Application
Use of technology in farming, environment protection, carbon footprint, protection of biodiversity…are the core issues that the EU prioritizes. The European Commission calls on Member states to take advantage of the potential of new technologies and digitisation in agriculture, with the aim to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of the sector, while simplifying the daily work of farmers. Natural areas, including agricultural fields, are influenced by human activities and their sustainable maintenance is only possible with ongoing human intervention. Organic food production and biodiversity preservation are interconnected. The overall objective is to increase the level of competences in the fields of organic food production and contribute to enhancement of biodiversity through a technological framework for joint action.
More information about project IT-ARGF on the following link: